Initiatives for Sustainability and CSR
As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sumitomo Corporation, we are committed to promoting sustainability and CSR in a systematic and organized manner,
in line with the "Sumitomo Corporation Group CSR Action Guidelines for Supply Chain Management" and the "Sumitomo Corporation Group’s Human Rights Policy."
We aim to fulfill our social responsibilities in collaboration with our business partners, taking into account changes in the external environment and the increasing social responsibilities
expected of companies, to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
We are committed to ensuring understanding and adherence through various opportunities, including training sessions for new and mid-career employees upon joining the company,
internal meetings with sales groups and regional organizations, and pre-departure training for overseas assignments.
Additionally, we share the "Sumitomo Corporation Group CSR Action Guidelines for Supply Chain Management" and the "Sumitomo Corporation Group’s Human Rights Policy" with our business partners and stakeholders, while also verifying their compliance.
In the event that we find violations of these guidelines in our supply chains, we will urge the suppliers, business partners or contractors, etc. to remedy and improve the situation, while providing support to them as needed. However, if there are no improvements to the situation by them, we will consider carefully whether to continue our business with them or not.
The Sumitomo Corporation Group CSR Action Guidelines for Supply Chain Management
Established in November 2009
Revised in November 2013
The Sumitomo Corporation Group aims to be a global organization that, by constantly staying a step ahead in dealing with change,
creating new value, and contributing broadly to society, strives to achieve prosperity and realize the dreams of all our stakeholders
through sound business activities in strict adherence to our Corporate Mission Statement, and the management style principle
contained therein, wherein prime importance is given to integrity and sound management with the utmost respect being paid to the individual.
In order to promote sustainability and social wellbeing in accordance with our mission, the Sumitomo Corporation Group hereby
sets down these CSR Action Guidelines for Supply Chain Management. With a view to further strengthening the global relations
which form one of the foundations of our core competence of integrated corporate strength, we request our suppliers and
business partners to kindly accept, understand, and practice these guidelines so that together we can achieve responsible value chain management.
Our suppliers and business partners are expected to:
- 1. Respect human rights and not to be complicit in human rights abuses
- 2. Prevent forced labor, child labor and payment of unfairly low wages
- 3. Not engage in discriminatory employment practices
- 4. Respect the rights of employees to associate freely in order to ensure open and fair negotiations between labor and management
- 5. Provide employees with safe and healthy work environments
- 6. Protect the global environment and give due consideration to biodiversity
- 7. Ensure the quality and safety of products and services
- 8. Ensure fair business transactions, to abide by all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and to prevent extortion, bribery and all other forms of corrupt business practices
- 9. Ensure appropriate information security
- 10. Cooperate with members of local host communities and contribute to sustainable regional development
- 11. Disclose information regarding the above in a manner both timely and appropriate
Sumitomo Corporation Group’s Human Rights Policy
Established in May 2020
Sumitomo Corporation Group declares in its management principles that it aims to be a global organization that contributes broadly to society
and places prime importance on utmost respect for the individual. We will respect human rights to fulfill our corporate social
responsibility, and pursue sustainable growth with society.
Sumitomo Corporation Group became a signatory in 2009 to the “Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact”, which advocates for
values common to its own management principles, including those regarding human rights and labor. We also respect the “International
Bill of Human Rights” and the International Labor Organization’s “Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work”, and we
operate in accordance with the “United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights”.
1.Scope of application
Sumitomo Corporation Group endeavors to ensure that all executives and employees within its group fulfill their responsibility to respect human rights. In addition, we encourage our suppliers and business partners to accept, understand and practice this policy so that we can work together to fulfill our social responsibilities, including respect for human rights in the relevant value chain.
2.Human rights due diligence
Sumitomo Corporation Group strives to identify and to prevent or mitigate any adverse impact on human rights through the application of human rights due diligence processes. Where we identify that our group’s practices have caused or contributed to an adverse impact on human rights, we will endeavor to take appropriate remedial measures.
3.Compliance with relevant laws
Sumitomo Corporation Group will comply with national and regional laws and regulations applicable to its group operations. When those laws and regulations are incompatible with internationally recognized human rights, we will seek to employ measures to respect international human rights norms.
4.Stakeholder engagement
Sumitomo Corporation Group will seek to improve and progress human rights measures through engagement and dialogue with relevant stakeholders.
Sumitomo Corporation Group will appropriately educate its executives and employees within its group in order to ensure that this human rights policy is understood and implemented effectively.
Sumitomo Corporation Group will disclose appropriate information regarding its efforts to respect human rights.
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the Fiscal Year 2023 Statement for UK Modern Slavery Act 2015
July 31th 2024
Sumisho Metalex Corporation is committed to improving its practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking. This statement has been published in accordance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Sumisho Metalex Corporation’s modern slavery and human trafficking statement for the fiscal year 2023 ended March 31, 2024. This statement was approved by the board of directors of Sumisho Metalex Corporation on July 16, 2024.
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the Fiscal Year 2023 Statement for UK Modern Slavery Act 2015
Conflict Minerals Policy
The Dodd-Frank Act, which was enacted in July 2010, requires US-listed companies to trace the country of origin of minerals used in their products with in their supply chains to determine whether or not "conflict minerals“ produced in and around the Democratic Republic of
the Congo are included. The results must be reported annually to the U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and disclosed on their websites. Such reporting is not mandatory for the Sumitomo Corporation Group itself because it is not US listed. However, if it is revealed
that a conflict mineral is used by our partner company, our reputation could be harmed and it may affect customer selections.
We therefore gather relevant information regularly and managed it unitarily.